An employee that is highly engaged will think, feel, and act in a manner that reflects greater levels of commitment toward the organization and higher levels of employee encouragement. Their contributions are a...
Every organization has its own individual or team for a formal mentoring scheme. For delivering a qualitative project with a given timeline requires perfect synchronized project planning and a project managemen...
The conversion rate of a website is a measure to compute how much time duration users on the website convert, by doing the activities such as filling a form, performing a call to action, clicking on an advertis...
“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is a success.” For every project manager, the important skill is the management of the project and team with the poten...
Getting the maximum downloads is what every App developer wishes. But getting the same is not an easy task. We have seen a lot of app developers or companies spend thousands of rupees for the marketing of their...
Big data has launched a booming industry in data analytics and science. Investing in big data is all the rage right now. But as with many topics that become buzzworthy, its core values often get lost in the hyp...
Mobile Internet usage is increasing steeply accounting for more than 50 percent of mobile traffic all around the world. Billions of people are searching for products and services through browsers on their smart...
The term Blockchain originated from the block chain which is a rapid growth of records list in the form of blocks, linked using cryptography as a security feature. Every block contains the previous block’...
“IoT is not considered as a concept rather it is a network, which is true technology enabled networks of all networks.” Bluetooth beacons are small chunks of hardware that use radio signals for sending an aler...