In the last five years, AngularJS has evolved tremendously. It has advanced from AngularJS version 1.0 to Angular version 2.0 and now Angular version 4.0. Angular is considered one of the best open-source JavaScript frameworks.
Angular 2 was more focused on the development of mobile apps, as it allowed developers to create cross-platform applications. The reason is that it is easier to handle the desktop component of things after the challenges connected to mobile apps (functionality, load time, etc.) have been addressed. This version of Angular was more focused on the development of mobile apps, as it allowed developers to create cross-platform applications. The reason is that it is easier to handle the desktop component of things after the challenges connected to mobile apps (functionality, load time, etc.) have been addressed. Numerous modules were eliminated from Angular’s core, which led to better performance. These made their way to Angular’s ever-growing ecosystem of modules, which means that you have the ability to select and choose the components you want.
Brief Comparison between Angular 2 and 4
- Architecture – The upgrade of the version from 2.0 to 4.0 has reduced its bundled file size by 60%. The code generated is reduced and has accelerated the application development. Here the developed code can be used for prod mode and debug.
- JavaScript and TypeScript – Angular v4.0 is compatible with newer versions of TypeScript 2.1 and TypeScript 2.2. This helps with better type checking and also enhanced IDE features for Visual Studio Code.
- Mobile Support – Angular 2.0 has made it possible to accomplish the native applications for a mobile platform like React Native. Angular 2.0 gives us two layers: the application layer and the rendering layer. As needed, any view can be rendered in runtime for the required component.
Additional new features in Angular 4.0
Angular Universal was a community-driven project but has now been adopted by the Angular team. It’s great news and opens a new dimension to build a powerful SPA yet 100% SEO friendly.
- Better AOT compiler
- Improved *ngFor and *ngIf
- Universal Now is included in the core module.
- New service to easily get or update meta tags
- New Validators for valid email
- Animation has its own package and is pulled out from @angular/core which reduces code if your production package not using Animation.
- Better Debugging with Source Maps for Templates